2010年3月24日 星期三

21 mac 2010

21 mac 2010
2day my mum stil din open shop coz stil resting
v go and eat breakfast and aeven go bk studio..i din hv follow he..
than my mum say wan go icon greentown and buy cloth and shoes so my dad fetch my mum go thr...i buy a dress is nice..=)
than my mum say wan 2 watch my dad d new hs is hw d..than i cal my uncle ans ask...its in becham...i reach becham bt there hv alot of houses so v also dun knw which house is my dad d..after my dad fatch me go n buy a make up box ...than v go bk house my bro change cloth...than my dad fatch he go 2 international skol and having basketball traninig...
i go bk and sleep until 5pm aeven cum n fetch me..i nid 2 teach class at jusco..haiz...
until 7pm sumthing my dad cum n fetch me bk...and go out having dinner....
