2010年12月30日 星期四

My Dec 2010

First at all i reali super busy in this dec 2010...
every year d dec is vry fast to pass....

tmr 16/12
is my bday kaze help me to countdown my bday party
at lavish at the night
bt i din hv go...coz aeven high fever make me cant go out
alvin mei was cum my hs to visit aeven
after tat kaze cal me say tat he car is broke
cal me cum out
than i open my hs d gate
they all cum my hs n help me calebrate my bday ya
(chung gor, kaze, hoshi, chung gf , matsu gor ,and alvin mei )
they buy me a cake ya =)
after that they all go lavish clubbing ya

2day is my bday my mum n my bro buy me a buy
chung gor buy me a red shirt
matsu gor buy me a box of chocolate
aeven buy me a mp4 ....
bt in the afternoon aeven din hv acc me go anywhr
coz he vry high fever
i alone go to parade for shooping
after tat fetch my bro go here go there
at nite aeven cal he fren to help me celebrate my
bday n having dinner at station 1 cafe
finish my dinner yumiko bring me
go barroom for drink
haha im drunk =)
thx everybody to help me celebrate my bday ya =)

today im super bad luck coz i having high fever ya
i totally high fever already 4 day until 22/12/2010

today is christmas eve i din hv work at airport
everybody is going out to count down they all
work at airport can play games
me at hs cant go out
coz my mum say me just fever recover
than dun let me go out ya =(

today i saw he send
happy new year =)
to a girl at facebook
my heart i pain
when im talk to he...he like ntg special
when i cry he like dun wan to care me anymore
im reali hurt u knw..
u leave me at jusco...
u wan me to run to ur car
everbody is looking at me...
im like a stupid run n run
u din un my feeling at all...
can i leave ??
if i leave hw was my life ???
i will die or???
i dun knw

2010年10月16日 星期六

Airport Life

my airport life is vry tired n
unhappy d i think
today start no more life band at
next week start v onli nid to dance at
airport on fri n sat onli
coz our boss wan to cut bajet
yesterday go yum cha wif some of the airport
friends onli knw some sad n bad thing
boss say
" our dancer is totally dun knw hw to dance fuck off"
y u wan to say some fucking word to hurd
ppl leh
if u say v dun knw hw to dance than y u still nid v dance
at airport if u say dancer is dun knw hw to dance than
u dance by urself lah
dun say sum word n hurd ppl lah
if u r clever than u can dancer by urself

September Life

September i was super busy
i start to work at airport ...
first time go out n work
i learn a lot of thing n also know a lot of
different d friends....
it is airport grand opening
v hv to dance n also do a catwalk show
tat day also is vtjen last day work at airport...
is bboy night
d one dance studio n d one dance academy
this competition is aeven n me plan it d
on tat day all my family members also attend
bt tat day im sad coz
on tat day is vry few ppl cum
our target is 400 member
bt tat day i think v onli hv sell out 60 sumthing
ticket onli...
when wars saloon help me set my hair tat time
i alrdy wan to cry

2010年8月25日 星期三

2010年8月17日 星期二


tat day me n aeven go parade do tatoo..

vry many say tatoo is vry pain

bt i think it is nt reali vry pain ...


You Come Back

2day morning i start to feel hapi n hapi
coz i knw u wan come bk alrdy
bt i sms ask you wat time u reach ipoh
u told me 12 sumthing morning
omg i wan wait until 12 sumthing ya
is too long la
i watch tv until 2 sumthing
than i fetch my bro
n fetch he go tt
after tat i go parade kopitiam find
matsu n chat until 6 sumthing
i fetch my bro go bk hs...
until 11 sumthing matsu come my hs
find me than v 12am go train station n
wait u all cum bk
v wait jor 2 hour omg
u all onli reach ipoh
i too tired ya
bt u cum bk alrdy i tink tired a bit
also ntg d...

You Leave Me Alone No 3 day

2day wake up at 12 sumthing...
n bring my bro go c doktor
coz he hurt he hand..
after than i fetch he go basketball competition...
2day feel sad n moody...
u find me i din reply u at all...
coz i sked disturd you...
i din reply u
u also din find me anymore...
at nite having dineer wif my family ...
2day i cry n cry...
do you knw i miss you vry much...
do you miss me...
i miss you ya dear..

2010年8月11日 星期三

You Leave Me Alone Second Day

2day vry earli wake up n having breakfast wif
my dad n my mum...
than i go bk shop n slp until
12 sumthing i go to fetch
my bro...
after fetch my bro i bring
he go to cut he hair...
than v nid to rush bk shop
coz my bro wan traning basketball
bk jor shop he say 2day cancel traning
i try to dun miss you n try
slp again...
than my bro say wan fetch he go
basketball training...
than i fetch he n he fren go thr...
i told i can chat wif you...
i tink u r busy gua..
chat jor awhile only ya...
at nite i wait u call bt you din call me
i wait u msg u din sms me
i say i cant slp u also juz company me awhile
than i think u slp jor
or dun knw u doin wat la
i feel like i think u r vry busy gua
i miss you n think so much thing until
3am morning i only can slp it
n nt slp it vry well...

2010年8月7日 星期六

You Leave Me Alone First day

Today u cal me fetch u all go tk train at 4am in the morning...
after fetch u all than i go bk hs and
slp until 7am i wake up n
fetch matsu go era college
i go bk shop n slp until 3pm sumthing...
u say u reack it klia u wil cal me
bt u dun hv do tat
i saw u on9
n post flyer at facebook
i think u forget me alrdy ...
u reali forget me alrdy
u sms told me u forget to cal me
i dun knw y cal me also u will
forget it...
than i feel u dun nid me mich..
i start to emo...
until u sms me say i dun care u d la
than i cal u bk
i try to dun angry you ...
u reach it kuching...
at nite i miss you much
i need you i onli can slp
u say u wil company me
bt u did do it
actually i reali feel angry n sad
u tel me u r sick n nt feeling well
bt i saw ur pic i think u r hapi at thr ...
until 3am sumthing i onli can slp

2010年7月29日 星期四

Moody Day ( SAD )

Well long time din upgrate my blog...
haiz..today feel moody...
i always dun knw actually u tink wat ya...
everytime say out everything alrdy
u feel like dont un or dun knw wat happen to you..
actually everything is my plan...
is me help you plan ur bday party
and everything bt u like dun bliv tat is my plan
ever u wan to thx also not my name 1st...
izit i vry small gas or wat
bt my feel is reali feel sad
i hate myself everyday cry n cry
bt i reali cant tahan myself u knw
i vry hope 1day u reali can understand me
i reali hope it...
so far u also like dun wan or dun ever wan
to understand me...
y v bcum like tat
wat happen ya???
or u alrdy dun llike me
if u reali dun like me
plz tel me earli
dun hurt me again n again
u reali hurt me deep...
u knw...
dun try to hurt me again...

2010年5月15日 星期六

2day my honey company me go n having breakfast than i fetch he go to train station he go kl by train at 11am....
after tat my mum company me go specialist hospital c doktor...until 1pm sumthing...
than i go bk insight n wash face...
until 6pm sumthing....

2day i reali feel sad... laterly also no money d ya....my bag only have rm 50...
tat bitch also wan 2 tk....haiz....aeven nt here....cry also no use la...

no ppl company me...
no ppl beside me...

X X 记住,我的男人,别碰!!X X









X X 记住,我的男人,别碰!!!X X

2010年5月10日 星期一



這天,白雲酒樓裏來了兩位客人,一男一女,四十歲上下,穿著不俗,男的還拎著一個旅行包,看樣子是一對出來旅遊的夫妻. ­   

服務員笑吟吟地送上功能表.男的接過菜單直接遞女的,說:"你點吧,想吃什麼點什麼."女的連看也不看一眼,抬頭對服務員說:"給我們來碗餛飩就行了!" ­ ­  

服務員一怔,哪有到白雲酒樓吃餛飩的?再說,酒樓裏也沒她以為自己沒聽清楚,不安的望著那個女顧客.女人又把自己的話重複了一遍,旁邊的男人這時候發話了:"吃什麼餛飩,又不是沒錢?" ­ ­  

女人搖搖頭說:"我就是要吃餛飩!" 男人愣了愣,看到服務員驚訝的目光,很難為情地說:"好吧.請給我們來兩碗餛飩." ­ ­  

"不! " 女人趕緊補充道,"只要一碗!" 男人又一怔,一碗怎麼吃?女人看男人皺起了眉頭,就說:"你不是答應的,一路上都聽我的嗎?" ­ ­  

男人不吭聲了,抱著手靠在椅子上.旁邊的服務員露著了一絲鄙夷的笑意,心想:這女人摳門摳到家了.上酒樓光吃餛飩不說,兩個人還只要一碗.她沖女人撇了撇嘴:"對不起,我們這裏沒有餛飩賣,兩位想吃還是到外面大排擋去吧!" ­ ­  

女人一聽,感到很意外,想了想才說:"怎麼會沒有餛飩賣呢?你是嫌生意小不願做吧?" ­ ­  

這會兒,酒樓老闆張先鋒恰好經過,他聽到女人的話,便沖服務員招招手,服務員走過去埋怨道:"老闆,你看這兩個人,上這只點餛飩吃,這不是存心搗亂嗎?" ­ ­  

張先鋒微微一笑,沖她擺擺手.他也覺得很奇怪:看這對夫妻的打扮,應該不是吃不起飯的人,估計另有什麼想法.不管怎樣,生意上門,沒有往外推的道理。 ­ ­  

他小聲吩咐服務員:"你到外面買一碗餛飩回來,多少錢買的,等會結帳時多收一倍的錢!"說完他拉張椅子坐下,開始觀察起這對奇怪的夫妻. ­ ­過了一會,服務員捧回一碗熱氣騰騰的餛飩,往女人面前一放,說 :"請兩位慢用 ." ­ ­  

看到餛飩,女人的眼睛都亮了,她把臉湊到碗面上,深深地細了一口氣,然後 ,用湯匙輕輕攪拌著碗裏的餛飩,好象捨不得吃,半天也不見送到嘴裏. ­ ­  

男人瞪大眼睛看者女人,又扭頭看看四周,感覺大家都在用奇怪的眼光盯著他們,頓感無地自容,恨恨地說道:"真搞不懂你在搞什麼,千里迢迢跑來 ,就為了吃這碗餛飩?" ­ ­  

女人抬頭說道:"我喜歡!" ­ ­男人一把拿起桌上的菜單:"你愛吃就吃吧,我餓了一天了,要補補." 他便招手叫服務員過來,一氣點了七八個名貴的菜. ­ ­  

女人不急不慢,等男人點完了菜.這才淡淡地對服務員說:"你最好先問問他有沒有錢,當心他吃霸王餐." ­ ­  

沒等服務員反應過來,男人就氣紅了臉:"放屁!老子會吃霸王餐?老子會沒錢?"他邊說邊往懷裏摸去,突然"咦"的一聲:"我的錢包呢?"他索性站了起來,在身上又是拍又是捏,這一來竟然發現手機也失蹤了.男人站著怔了半晌,最後將眼光投向對面的女人. ­ ­  

女人不慌不忙地說道:"你別瞎忙活了,錢包和手機我昨晚都扔到河裏了." ­ ­  

男人一聽,火了:"你瘋了!"女人好象沒聽見一樣,繼續緩慢的攪拌著碗裏的餛飩.男人突然想起什麼,拉開隨身的旅行包,伸手在裏面猛掏起來. ­ ­  

女人冷冷說了句:"別找了,你的手錶,還有我的戒指,咱們這次帶出來所有值錢的東西,我都扔河裏了.我身上還有五塊錢,只夠買這碗餛飩了!" ­ ­  

男人的臉刷地白了,一屁股坐下來,憤怒的瞪著女人:"你真是瘋了,你真是瘋了!咱們身上沒有錢,那麼遠的路怎麼回去啊?" ­ ­  

女人卻一臉平靜,不溫不火地說:"你急什麼?再怎麼著,我們還有兩條腿,走著走著就到家了." ­ ­  

男人沉悶的哼了一聲.女人繼續說道:"二十年前,咱們身上一分錢也沒有,不也照樣回到家了嗎?那時侯的天.比現在還冷呢!" ­ ­男人聽了這句,不由的瞪直了眼:"你說,你說什麼?"女人問:"你真的不記得了?"男人茫然的搖搖頭. ­ ­  

女人歎了口氣:"看來,這些年身上有了幾個錢,邇就真的把什麼都忘了.二十年前,咱們第一次出遠門做生意,沒想到被人騙了個精光,連回家的路費都沒了.經過這裏的時候,你要了一碗餛飩給我吃,我知道,那時候你身上就剩下五毛錢了......" ­ ­  男人聽到這裏,身子一震,打量了四周:"這,這裏......" 女人說:"對,就是這裏,我永遠也不會忘記的,那時它還是一間又小又破的餛飩店 ." ­ ­  

男人默默地低下頭,女人轉頭對在一旁發愣的服務員道:"姑娘,請給我再拿只空碗來." ­ 服務員很快拿來了一隻空碗,女人捧起面前的餛飩,撥了一大半到空碗裏,輕輕推到男人面前:"吃吧,吃完了我們一塊走回家!" ­ ­男人盯著面前的半碗餛飩,很久才說了句:"我不餓. "女人眼裏閃動著淚光,喃喃自語:"二十年前,你也是這麼說的!"說完,她盯著碗沒有動湯匙,就這樣靜靜地坐著. ­ ­  

男人說:"你怎麼還不吃?"女人又哽咽了:"二十年前,你也是這麼問我的.我記得我當時回答你.要吃就一塊吃,要不吃就都不吃,現在,還是這句話!" ­ ­男人默默無語,伸手拿起了湯匙.不知什麼原因,拿著湯匙的手抖得厲害,舀了幾次,餛飩都掉下來.最後,他終於將一個餛飩送到了嘴裏,使勁一吞,整個都吞到了肚子裏.當他舀第二個餛飩的時候,眼淚突然"叭嗒`叭嗒"往下掉. ­ ­  

女人見他吃了,臉上露出了笑容,也拿起湯匙開始吃.餛飩一進嘴,眼淚同時滴進了碗裏.這對夫妻就這和著眼淚把一碗餛飩分吃完了. ­ 放下湯匙,男人抬頭輕聲問女人:"飽了麼?" ­ ­  

女人搖了搖頭.男人很著急,突然他好象想起了什麼,彎腰脫下一隻皮鞋,拉出鞋墊,手往裏面摸,沒想到居然摸出了五塊錢.他怔了怔,不敢相信地瞪著手裏的錢. ­ ­  女人微笑的說道:"二十年前,你騙我說只有五毛錢了,只能買一碗餛飩,其實呢,你還有五毛錢,就藏在鞋底裏.我知道,你是想藏著那五毛錢,等我餓了的時候再拿出來.後來你被逼吃了一半餛飩,知道我一定不飽,就把錢拿出來再買了一碗!" 頓了頓,她又說道,"還好你記得自己做過的事,這五塊錢,我沒白藏!" ­ ­  

男人把錢遞給服務員:"給我們再來一碗餛飩."服務員沒有接錢,快步跑開了,不一會,捧回來滿滿一大碗餛飩. ­ 男人往女人碗裏倒了一大半:"吃吧,趁熱!" ­ ­女人沒有動,說:"吃完了,咱們就得走回家了,你可別怪我,我只是想在分手前再和你一起餓一回.苦一回!" ­ ­男人一聲不吭,低頭大口大口吞咽著,連湯帶水,吃得乾乾淨淨.他放下碗催促女人道:"快吃吧,吃好了我們走回家!" ­ ­  

女人說:"你放心,我說話算話,回去就簽字,錢我一分不要,你和哪個女人好,娶個十個八個,我也不會管你了....." ­ 男人猛地大聲喊了起來:"回去我就把那張離婚協議書燒了,還不行嗎?"說完,他居然號啕大哭,"我錯了,還不行嗎?我腦袋抽筋了,還不行嗎?" ­ ­女人面帶笑容,平靜地吃完了半碗餛飩,然後對服務員:"姑娘,結帳吧.", ­ ­一直在旁觀看的老闆張先鋒猛然驚醒,快步走了過來,擋住了女人的手,卻從身上摸出了兩張百元大鈔遞了過去:"既然你門回去就把離婚協議書燒了,為什麼還要走路回家呢?" ­ ­  

男人和女人遲疑地看著張先鋒,張先鋒微笑道:"咱們都是老熟人了,你門二十年前吃的餛飩,就是我賣的,那餛飩就是我老婆親手做的!"說罷,他把錢硬塞到男人手中,頭也不回地走了..... ­ ­張先鋒回到辦公室,從抽屜取出那張早已擬好的離婚協議書,怔怔地看了半晌,喃喃自語地說:"看來,我的腦袋也抽筋了..." ­ ­  

分手時想想以前,那個陪你甘苦與共的人,一路走來,其實你們的故事並不短; 時間慢慢過去,那些感動卻一點一點封存。其實最疼你的人不是那個甜言蜜語哄你開心的人,也許就是在鞋底藏5元錢, 在最後的時候把最後一點東西省著給你吃,卻說不餓的人…… 看完了故事,你知道什麼是老婆了嗎? ­

老婆,就是那個為了省錢幫你買一份中意的禮物,卻宣稱自己是在節食的“傻瓜女人” 。 ­

老婆,就是那個為了愛你,而放棄整片森林,一心想陪在你身邊和你慢慢變老的“庸俗女人”。 ­

老婆,就是那個不許你看別的女人、提別的女人、讚美別的女人的“小氣女人” 。 ­   

老婆,就是那個保存著你發給她的每一條甜蜜資訊,時常翻來看著?的“花癡女人”。 ­   

老婆,就是那個總是嚷嚷著要宰你一頓,請她吃飯時,卻說自己不餓的“可愛女人” 。 ­   

老婆,就是那個你說想買一雙板鞋,跑遍全世界去找,結果卻告訴你是偶爾看到就買回來的“虛偽女人” 。 ­   

老婆,就是那個你不在她身邊,她無比想念,天天對著手機望眼欲穿的“可憐女人” 。 ­  

老婆,就是那個在你打遊戲,睡覺的時候,打電話發短信來說“我想?了”的“可恨女人” 。 ­   

老婆,就是那個只要有你的支持,就敢奮勇向前毫無畏懼的“白癡女人” 。 ­   

老婆,就是那個看到別人的髒衣服都覺噁心,卻將你穿一星期未換黑不見底的臭襪子洗得雪白而毫無怨言的“笨蛋女人” 。 ­

老婆,就是那個一聽見別人說你不好,就據理力爭誓死捍衛的“潑辣女人” ­   

老婆,就是那個很堅強,很有自尊心,但在你面前卻任性賴皮的“小女人” 。 ­    男人,記住:老婆,就是那個只允許你吃她虧的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓你有了她而不再會想其他女人的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓一向吝嗇的你,捨得在她身上花錢而竟然不心痛的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓你甘願放棄睡懶覺,而起床為她做早餐的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓從前心高氣傲大男子主義的你,變成會遷就、體諒的男人的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓你覺得洗碗洗衣服也很有男子氣概的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓你懂得責任,只要她幸福,再辛苦也變得值得的女人。 ­ ­

老婆,就是那個讓你每個空餘時間都希望有她陪伴,哪怕只是不說話的女人。 ­

老婆,就是那個讓你因為她感冒而擔心,看到她多吃一碗飯而開心的女人。 ­   

老婆,就是那個讓你願意撐起一把傘,去擋住她頭上烏雲的女人。 ­

­ 當看完這篇文章的時候,有種說不出的感覺.很真實,很確切,也許這裏面的有些片段或多或少的發生在你我的身邊.而當你看完這篇文章的時候又是怎樣的一種心情呢?是否也會想起自己和身邊的他或者她呢?,常聽人說,要珍惜眼前人,懂得珍惜的人才會擁有,因為懂得,所以幸福.最初寫出這篇文章的人能夠真正的體會“老婆”的含義真的很不簡單,能夠真正懂得,相信他或她是幸福的.也希望看到,或者看過這篇文章的朋友們,在觸碰你心靈的瞬間懂得“珍惜”……

2010年5月1日 星期六

找老婆就得找爱发脾气的女人永远不会发脾气的女人就如同一杯白开水,解渴,却无味。 而发脾气的女人正如烈酒一般,刺激而令人无法忘怀。 你迟到,她向你发脾气,是因为她紧张你,她怕你出了什么意外。 你抽烟,她向你发脾气,是因为她担心你的身体健康。 你喝酒,她向你发脾气,是因为她担心你酒醉后没有人照顾,怕你会出什么事,留下她一个人。 你不爱洗澡,她向你发脾气,是希望你有干净的生活习惯,能健健康康的生活。 你乱扔脏衣服,她向你发脾气,是希望你能多动动,而不是吃饱了只会趴在电脑边或者躺在床上长膘。 你对她大声说话,她向你发脾气,是希望你能温柔而细语的跟她说话,希望感受到你的呵护。 你对她的话视而不见,她向你发脾气,是希望你能把她放在心里面,希望她说的话你都能认认真真的对待。 你说她有这毛病那毛病,她向你发脾气,是想自己在你的心里永远是完美的,听到你的指指点点她很郁闷。 你总是忙不停,她向你发脾气,是因为你都没有时间来陪她聊天,或者抱抱她,她感觉被你忽略了。 你忘记她的生日,她向你发脾气,是因为你对她来说很重要,她并不会要求一个陌生人记住她的生日。 你身上被发现有别的女人的香味,她向你发脾气,是因为她在乎你,你是她的所有,她不想跟别人分享你。 女人是最讲理的动物,她的脾气往往导因于各式各样的理由。 女人也是最不讲理的动物,因为她的理由经常令人无法理解。 女人可以为了一件小得不能再小的事,发一场大得不能再大的脾气。 因为女人对身边的男人有所要求,有所期望,所以常常会失望、失落。 因此,女人容易对男人发脾气。 身边有个会向你发脾气的女人,其实是一件多么幸福的事! 而身边有一个会让自己发脾气的男人,是对女人最大的折磨,也是莫大的幸福。 珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人,因为那是在乎的表现,而且发脾气的女人也很可爱哦~~~ 假如有一天,她不在为你生气...... 留下的只有漆黑的房间,慌乱的心跳,述说着心灵深处的痛楚。 那寂寞的思念,那暗淡的惆怅,还有那幸福的幻觉,独自呓语.......

♥ 真正爱你的女生会做这些哦~~

♥ 真正爱你的女生会做这些哦。。。
进来的男孩子,如果你进来了请耐心看完,文字不多,受用终身~! ­这样的女子真的爱你:

­1 不喜欢你吸烟,因为对身体不好;但偶尔也会让你吸,因为她知道你戒不掉,不想让你的心情不好





















2010年4月4日 星期日

Phine new pic 2010 april

04 april 2010

2day is sunday...actually i hv class 2day...bcoz last class d students nid 2 exam so v having holiday...

2day is vry boring actually...reach shop and eat brunch wif my bro..than sleep until afternoon...

my mum cal me and go down and eat my lunch...my bro go to traning basketball...

than i help my mum do ribbon until aeven cum my shop...

aeven after bath v walk bk hs wif my mum...

after tat i company aeven eat at wolley there...

go bk shop and bath after tat go bk hs and wait aeven cum bk after teach class...

v go parade 4 a walk than lv having fair there than aeven go n c...

than the ppl cal me and aeven sit down 1st...than 1 start 2 watch the wedding photo...the ppl ask me when is ur wedding date??

har??i was har???i dun hv wedding date yet la...

the ppl say nvm...nw v gt promotion than she continue say gt free photo la gt free any place 2 play la...can free outstion tk photo la...gt free dinner wear la...

omg...i tink i haven wan marry yet lol...

than ppl say nvm...u can hold this promotion until 3 years more...

i tink this 3 years i also wont be marry wan d la...

so fast meh??? haha...its so funny ya...=)

2010年4月3日 星期六

I think everthing will be better...i call my self dun think too much kay...

coz i think 2 much everynite i also cant sleep well...

this feel is so bad...if u reali lost he...i think i still have my own friends...

i think my friends will support me always...

now i wan 2 start my job beaution...owesome...im the best!!!

2010年4月2日 星期五

2 april 2010

Friday...2day teacher say bring we all go n do makerting...than i afternoon start 2 tink i wan 2 wear wat i go makerting...than i go red buy a new dress is black colour ya...i reach insight is about 7pm sumthing me and kitty is late abit...than teacher help we all 2 make up...is vry nice ya...like it so much...i fetch kitty artemis and tze mun go makerting...reach there is 9pm...v start 2 do makerting...starter is feel some sked than jao vry okay jor...is gt some lai pro haha...until 10 pm sumthing teacher wan v all go bk...bt v feel i wan continue do it...teacher dun let than we go bk insight...finish meeting at 11pm sumthing...than go n fetch tat a.... than go bk hs...is tired and 2day is reali fun...=)

2010年3月24日 星期三

21 mac 2010

21 mac 2010
2day my mum stil din open shop coz stil resting
v go and eat breakfast and aeven go bk studio..i din hv follow he..
than my mum say wan go icon greentown and buy cloth and shoes so my dad fetch my mum go thr...i buy a dress is nice..=)
than my mum say wan 2 watch my dad d new hs is hw d..than i cal my uncle ans ask...its in becham...i reach becham bt there hv alot of houses so v also dun knw which house is my dad d..after my dad fatch me go n buy a make up box ...than v go bk house my bro change cloth...than my dad fatch he go 2 international skol and having basketball traninig...
i go bk and sleep until 5pm aeven cum n fetch me..i nid 2 teach class at jusco..haiz...
until 7pm sumthing my dad cum n fetch me bk...and go out having dinner....

20 mac 2010

20 mac 2010
v wake up at 10am sumthing...i change my cloth and make up...
after tat v go out and having breakfast...
my aunty husband bring we go and eat "bak kut teh"
kl the "bak kut teh" is nt so like ipoh...i think ipoh is nice than kl wan..
after breakfast...v go sunway piramid and shopping..
v reach sunway piramid v start to seach where is ruffer i.d
coz aeven cal me help him 2 buy red long pant..
v start v find here find there..
gt a men looking me and ask my melaka aunty
men: this is ur fren??
aunty: ya..wat happen??
men: can i tk a photo
me: har ??tk photo wif me..
men: can i tk the shoes photo its so nice i wan 2 send it 2 australia
and let my fren knw..
me: oh..cheh..tk my shoes only rite...=.=
than i let the men use him hp and tk the shoes photo...
than v continue find ruffer this shop...
haha...i find it
and i cant find the red long pant bt me and my mum buy so many cloth amd short pant...the girl say :
2day is satday so v dun hv gv plastik bag if u wan plastik bag u nid 2 paid 20sen 4 one plastik bag...
my mum paid it 40sen and get 2 plastik bag..
than v continue shopping...me and my mum buy alot lf thing..gt buy it 2 my bro and aeven 2...
v also gt buy shoes..=)
afetr tat my dad phone me and say he at nike shop outside..
than v go n find my dad and my bro..
wan leave tat time i saw a shop inside gt alot of hip hop thing than i go inside and find ...i find it...red long pant
than v go bk...
than v start 2 bath this time i din hv make up coz after dinner v also wan go bk ipoh so i din hv make up...
almost 7pm v go out and having dinner...tat place is so far away...i start to scold y wan go so far away d place eat leh??also knw v so hungry alrdy...
reach there nid 2 wait again..bt this shop special is special every body also wil get each fish...
after dinner v go bk ipoh...
reach ipoh alrdy 12am sumthing...i change my cloth and i wan 2 sleep nw..im tired...

19 mac 2010

19 mac 2010
wake up in the morning
and take breakfast wif
my family and aeven.
after finish breakfast
my dad bring us 2 kl
and visit my aunty and
my grandmum.
reach kl almost
2pm sumthing.
and eat dinner in kl hs...
gt tom yum prawn
and soup only..
after than i answer aeven cal
aeven ask me
aeven:tmr u wat time bk ipoh?
me:har?? y?
aeven: yumiko tmr nt free mah so can u
replace yumiko and teach at jusco ya??
me:har??y wan me again wor u cal
another ppl replace la..
aeven:no ppl la..u help ma la..
me: i ask my dad tmr v wat time go bk
asking my dad
me:tmr v wat time go bk ipoh
dad:dun knw wan ya..mayb sunday only bk
mayb at nite only bk..nt sure d
than i continue talk 2 aeven
me:my dad say nt sure yet wor.
aeven:than nvm la than sunday u oly replace
yumiko teach la..
me: har??sunday also hv ar??
aeven:ya ar..u okay d ..i knw u can d
me:i can say knt meh...ish..
after finish the cal i was moody
i nt the studio dance teacher
i also nt reali gt learn street jazz
b4..y always also can me replace this
replace than...
wat the fuck..bitch..
i msg aeven and say
"i nt waiting money 2 use and
b4 alrdy knw tat day jusco gt class
also wan 2 on show tat day.." ish..
than i close my phone...
i feel sleepy and i went to the
bedroom and sleep until 7 sumthing\
i get down and c my malaka aunty also
reach kl jor..
than i ask my dad v wat time go out and
having our dineer
dad answer me "8 pm"
har??omg;;i haven bath yet and wan do my
hair and make up..
than i faster went bk my room and bath
after bath my mum was wake up
and i let my mum use the bath room
i start 2 do my hair and
make up faster...
almost 8pm sumthing
v go out and dinner...
afetr dinner me my mum and my
melaka aunty and her husband
chat in outside and drinking beer..
my bro and my cousins go out and
play basketball..
my kl aunty and her husband tk my
dad go and massage foot...
kl there until 1 am also
gt alot of ppl play basketball at the
basketball feid...
2nite i was drink alot of the beer..
and i sleepp at 2am sumthing...
good nite...=)

2010年3月17日 星期三

Phine New Pic 2010

After Taking Spm Result
i go jusco wif kitmun
kim and mad...

11 mac 2010

Taking SPM result
wake up in the morning
i fell vry sked..
coz 2day nid 2 tk my spm result
i dress up myself and
make up...after Aeven go
vtjen hs and fetch
bt vtjen msg me say she juz
wake up cal me go by
myself 1st so i reach skol..
i saw mad cheah start crying
beside the hall door..
i start to find my teacher
everybody also vry sked..
pn.Tan cal my name
i tk my result
and i dun even wan 2 saw
my result im sked...
peikee and mimi help me saw my
my result is no so good..
i start to cry...
and start emo in aeven car
i cal my mum..and tel my mum
my mum say it's okay
and nvm...
afetr tat eat brunch wif

Photo wif my friends

08 Mac 2010

Jusco Performance
reach jusco 10 sumthing
having brunch wif Aeven
at Black Canyon Coffee
warm up at 11am check
our place on the stage..
until 12pm
go bk hs and rest until 3pm
i start 2 tie my hair and
make up by myself...
we start our routine at
5pm sumthing...
Cherry & bobo

Ex-Titans wif Teacher


Warm up

The stage

2010年3月6日 星期六

who can help me ya????
y he dun even care about my feel???
y he like 2 trust another so good??
y nt me??
y like 2 trust me??
y ar???
y u always say is me wrong???
can u tink about my feel????
can u tell me u love me or u dun even love any more???
p/s: i tink i better wake up nw...

2010年3月3日 星期三

Jusco Perform 8th of mac

1th of mac
v start 2 go bobo hs start traning cheer...
reach bobo hs...i onli knw only hv 7 peolpe perform..
me vtjen bobo cherry pei yee wah n wai yee
v start traning at 7pm until 10pm...

2010年2月24日 星期三

happy chinese new year...2010

Phine & kit mun

phine & aeven

kim & kitmun& aeven

8/02/2010 until 13/02/2010
my start my holiday...im having 3week holiday...
bt i cant rest in hs...i nid 2 help my dad n my mum in fruits shop...
bcoz chinese new year had a lot of ppl buy fruits...
exspecially mandarin...
aeven cum my shop help too..
we wake up at 6 sumthing...and my shop is open at 7:30 am...
work until 11 sumthing at nite..all of us also like dun wan eat any more
only wan 2 slp..bcoz nid 2 wake up early and work until so late...so aeven my my bro d fren slp at my hs...

the 1st day of chinese new year...
we wake up at 9 sumthing...
after tat we go bk "tai ma" hs and tk ng pau...
after taking all the ang pau...
aeven me and my bro 4llow my mama go bk parit and tk ang pau...
i tel u it's super hot...i feel wan die ya..
after tat v go "heng jie" thr eat har mee...every year also like tat
finish go bk n bath n rest awhile...i company aeven go bk and bath...
2day every whr also gt a lot of ppl...
bcoz 2day is valetine day...
aeven and me go and eat sushi for dinner...
after finish he fetch me go bk...
than he go n clubbing wif him fren...
hee..every body also ask me y valetine he also dun knw company you ya..
this type of question i tink u better ask him ya...i also dun knw...

2day early in the morning i go bk mama hs and eat my breakfast..
after tat aeven cum n fetch me n go bk 2 sg.siput he hometown...
reach thr i only saw he one sis oly...
we go he mama hs and tk ang pau..
after tat v go ah zheng d hs n visit he mum...
he hs is vry big...n super nice...
after v chat 2 he mum until 7 pm..v go bk n bath...
than v cum bk ipoh...
and go mama hs...
titans gathering in my mama hs...
v play card...after tat they all go yum cha...
me and aeven go n buy starbuck go bk hs..,

2day aeven fetch my bro go he fren hs...and fetch me go kit mun hs..
after tat v go jusco having lunch n tk photo...
lynn bcoz of work she din cum 2day...
lynn...v miss u deep...=)

2ay my beauty fren say wan cum my hs...
bt they sms e say dun wan cum coz no transport...
boring ya...

we go bk mama hs and gathering...and i tink it's last day
in mama hs gathering coz all of them alrdy start skol...
chinese new year is almost over ya...

p/s: Happy Chinese New Year ya...=)

2010年1月11日 星期一


2010年1月4日 星期一

insight superworkshop

my teacher
my team leader

group photo

phine and kitty

2 jan 2010
wake up at 6 sumthing
reach insight at 7 am
aeven n my family company me to
wait the bus and many ppl haven reach
we reach kl 11 sumthing
we start to dance and sing 2gether
the talk strat at 1 sumthing
v listen the talk ,sing 2gether and
play games 2 gether until
8 sumthing v had a make up
show..until 12 am
im tired
slp at 2 sumthing ...o.0
3 jan 2010
wake up at 7 sumthing
go to eat breakfast at 8 sumthing
the talk start at 9 am
v dance and sing again
the talk until 8 pm
v start 2 tk photo wif fren , team leader
and teacher...
reach ipoh about 12 sumthing
tired o.0